Vegan Miso Soup
Serves 4
4 cups filtered water
10 grams of kombu seaweed
1 tablespoon dried wakame seaweed
1 cup shiitake mushrooms
1/2 cup cubed tofu (medium or silken)
5 tablespoons organic miso paste
2 sliced green onions to garnish
Soak the wakame in 4 cups of water until soft (20 minutes-overnight).
Slowly bring the kombu and water to a boil in a medium-sized pot and then remove the kombu. Add the mushrooms and boil for 2 more minutes, then turn off the heat.
Rehydrate the wakame in some water, squeeze out water and add to serving bowls.
Cut the green onions and have ready to garnish.
Take the soup off the heat. Mix the miso paste in a little water and then add to the soup and mix.
Add soup to the serving bowls with wakame and add green onions to garnish. Enjoy!